Life is sunny and green land with flowers blooming, our room is as bright and lively as flowers, with a tangy aroma. How to decorate our life in the room, Leashine wallpaper makes your life colorful.

  At LeaWallpaper, we love helping you create beautiful spaces with our collection of wallpaper designs to create the life you desire. Here, you can find the style you like. There are modern and popular colors, patterns and textures, and there are rich and harmonious collocations. Please browse according to your room layout and your thoughts to help inspire you.

Here, you will find the beautiful wallpapers you need. In terms of material, whether it is non-woven wallpaper, PVC wallpaper or Original paper wallpaper; of course, we also have self-adhesive wallpaper, no need to apply glue.With our collection of modern, on-trend colors, patterns and textures, we’re sure you’ll find a Leashine wallpaper style you like. What we can offer is endless ideas and designs, from modern pops of color to beautiful patterns and textures, there’s always something you’ll love.


Wallpaper Types

Wallpaper makes life better

In terms of wallpaper style, whether it is vintage wallpaper or modern wallpaper, European wallpaper, kids wallpaper

What are the types of wallpaper

  According to the material, wallpaper is mainly divided into non-woven wallpaper, PVC wallpaper, Original paper wallpaper,etc.
  According to the style, the wallpaper is mainly divided into retro style wallpaper, European style wallpaper, modern style wallpaper, children’s wallpaper, etc.

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Wallpaper makes the space more wonderful

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Participate in the weekly wallpaper discount event, it will definitely be worth the money !


Wallpaper makes life better

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wallpaper makes life better

The founder of Leashine, He founded the Leashine brand and gradually made it widely known.his motto: wallpaper makes the space more wonderful.

Leashine wallpaper
Roy Gong

CEO of Leashine

She has many years of experience in serving customers, and can communicate with customers in depth to understand the deep needs of customers.

leashine wallpaper
Maggie Liu

marketing manager of Leashine

Senior design manager, senior designer, good at finding inspiration from nature, the design is deeply loved by customers, and many wallpaper works have become bestsellers.

leashine wallpaper
Lucky Chen

Designer  managerof Leashine