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How can I choose the best hotel wallpaper
It’s no secret that wallpaper can help define a space and enhance the entire guest experience. Hotel wallpaper needs to be attractive and practical, ensuring it can withstand endless foot traffic and repetitive cleaning cycles. If you want to ensure your hotel guests’ experience is one to remember, here’s how to choose the best hotel wallpaper .
The Overall Design Aesthetic
When it comes to choosing the best hotel wallpaper , you need to consider the overall design aesthetic of the space. Does the wallpaper fit in with the other design elements, colors, and styles? Think about the furniture, lighting, and other elements in the hotel. Does the wallpaper you are considering complement them or detract from them?
The practicality of hotel wallpaper
Choose hotel wallpaper based on practicality first and foremost. You’ll need a fabric that is durable against heavy foot traffic, repeated cleaning cycles, and potential tears or scratches. Look for fabrics that are marked as “vinyl-backed,” “non-PVC,” or “Low VOC.” While these may require you to dig a little deeper into your budget, they will last significantly longer than paper or traditional vinyl.
Eco-Friendly hotel wallpaper
Given the growing trends towards sustainability in all industries, eco-friendly hotel wallpaper is becoming increasingly popular in hotel design. Many hotels are looking to minimize their eco-footprints by using wallpaper that is made from recycled or sustainably-sourced materials. Examples include paper made from bamboo, which is highly durable and technically renewable, or recycled paper, which is made from paper fibers that are collected and reused. By choosing eco-friendly wallpaper, your hotel can cut down on cost and make a positive environmental impact.
Fire resistance of hotel wallpaper
When selecting wallpapers, it is important to consider the safety of your guests. Be sure to select wallpaper that are fire retardant, as they are crucial for preventing fires from starting or spreading in case of an emergency. Additionally, choose a wallpaper that is low-VOC and formaldehyde-free to protect yourself and your guests from exposure to potentially dangerous fumes and chemicals.
Overall, there are a number of factors to consider when selecting wallpaper for your hotel. But by keeping these tips in mind, you can ensure that you choose wallpaper that is both beautiful and can create an amazing space that your guests will love.