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History of European wallpaper
European wallpaper has a rich and varied history, with a variety of styles and designs. For centuries, wallpaper was used to decorate homes throughout Europe, and its popularity continues today. European wallpaper styles range from the traditional to the contemporary and can be found in a variety of colors, patterns, and textures.
The rise of European wallpaper
In the Middle Ages, Europeans used tapestries to decorate their walls. Tapestries were expensive, and only the wealthy could afford them. In the 16th century, wallpaper became popular in Europe as a cheaper alternative to tapestries. Wallpaper was made of fabric or paper, and it was often hand-painted. By the 18th century, wallpaper was widely used throughout Europe, and it was often used to show status and wealth.
In the 19th century, wallpaper became even more popular in Europe, with new printing techniques allowing wallpaper to be mass-produced. This enabled a wide variety of designs, textures, and colors to be available to the public. During the Victorian era, wallpaper was often used to show the owner’s taste and style. Floral patterns were especially popular during this time.
Improvement of modern wallpaper
During the 20th century, wallpaper was used to create a variety of modern looks. And so modern wallpaper was created, featuring bold designs as well as more subtle, understated looks. Today, modern wallpaper is still a popular choice for home decoration. Although many contemporary designs are inspired by traditional styles, the improvement movement in the later period brought a flourishing era to the art of wallpaper.
The emergence of modern wallpaper is like a seed, which has stimulated the emergence of various styles of wallpaper. As a result, vintage wallpapers, pastoral wallpapers, and Mediterranean-style wallpapers are emerging one after another, and the era of blooming flowers has come.
The history of wallpaper is like the history of human development. After a long period of brewing, first of all, a style is popular and drives the rise of the entire industry. Up to now, the wallpaper industry is still enduring.