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How do you match the pattern of black and white striped wallpaper
Black and white striped wallpaper is an eye-catching yet classic way to add a touch of style to any room in your home. However, it can be difficult to match the pattern of black and white striped wallpaper, especially when it comes to creating a cohesive look. If you’re wondering how to match the pattern of black and white striped wallpaper, there are a few tips you can keep in mind.
The overall design of the room
First, consider the overall design of the room. For a more subtle look, select wallpaper with a thin stripe width. If you are looking for a bolder pattern, choose wider stripes. When working with bold patterns, it is important to make sure that the pattern is balanced. That means that the distance between each stripe should be equal and the stripes should be of the same width. If you’re not sure which pattern to choose, start by looking at the existing decor in the room. This will help you decide which pattern will look best in the space.
The size of the stripes
Next, you will need to determine the size of the stripes. Smaller stripes will create a more subtle and delicate look, while larger stripes will be more eye-catching and bold. You can also choose from a variety of color combinations, from traditional black and white to bright and colorful stripes. However, no matter how thick or thin the stripes are chosen, the design must be balanced.
Type of wallpaper
Finally, you will need to consider the type of wallpaper you want to use. There are several options available, including traditional wallpaper, peel and stick wallpaper, and textured wallpaper. Traditional wallpaper needs to be pasted and requires relatively high installation skills. It is necessary to align the stripes when pasting and ensure that it is horizontal or vertical. Peel and stick wallpaper is easier to install, but can be difficult to reposition if necessary. Textured wallpaper adds texture to walls and is great for creating a vintage look, its downside is still a matter of installation.
When it comes to matching the pattern of black and white striped wallpaper, it is important to take the time to consider the overall look of the room. Consider the size and color of the stripes, as well as the type of wallpaper that you want to use. Leashine wallpaper can provide a variety of striped wallpapers, including black and white striped wallpapers; striped wallpapers in a variety of materials, and can give customers recommendations to find the perfect wallpaper for your space, creating a stylish, timeless look.