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How to maintain wallpaper
The wallpaper will encounter some problems during use, how to maintain the wallpaper?
wallpaper bubbles
Blistering of wallpaper is a very common problem. The main reason is that the uneven glue application when pasting the wallpaper leads to the shrinkage of the wallpaper surface and the excessive separation of water from the base layer, resulting in some built-in bubbles. In fact, the solution is very simple, just use a common sewing needle to pierce the air bubbles on the surface of the wallpaper to release the gas, then use the needle tube to extract an appropriate amount of adhesive and inject it into the pinhole just now, and finally flatten the wallpaper and dry it That’s it.
moldy wallpaper
Wallpaper mildew generally occurs in the rainy season and humid weather, mainly because the wall moisture is too high. The solution to the corners where the mold is not too serious is as follows: use a white towel to dip an appropriate amount of water to wipe, or wipe with soapy water. The best way is to go to the wallpaper store to buy a special mildew remover.
wallpaper warping
The warped edge of the wallpaper may be due to the unclean base treatment, the adhesive force of the adhesive is too low, or the edge of the wallpaper at the sun-covered corner is less than 2mm, etc. Smooth the place, use a hair dryer for about 10 seconds, then press firmly with your hands until it sticks firmly, and blow it dry with a hair dryer.
wallpaper scrubbing Wipe the dirty place with a damp or dry cloth; do not use some colored materials to contaminate the wallpaper, otherwise it will be difficult to remove; wipe the wallpaper at some evasive corners.