Geometric shapes modern wallpaper

(1 customer review)

Brand Name:                                 Leahsine

Wallpaper style:            Modern wallpaper

Wallpaper size:            0.53 m ×10 m/roll

Wallpaper material:         Non-woven wallpaper

MOQ:                                              240 rolls

SKU: 010 Category: Tags: ,

Geometric shapes modern wallpaper is a modern wallpaper created with complete geometric shapes, colors and lines.

Description of Geometric shapes modern wallpaper

Its original intention comes from simplicity, cleanliness and texture, giving people a modern and simple feeling. The geometric shapes and colors of modern wallpapers are mostly dark and dark, revealing solemnity, elegance, rationality and straightforwardness. The geometric lines of modern wallpaper are mostly straight lines, without arcs and curves. The shapes are mostly rhombus and hexagon, and the straight lines are dark and white. Black and white, full of personality.

Application of Geometric shapes modern wallpaper

Geometric shapes modern wallpaper is generally used in public spaces such as reception rooms and restaurants due to its shape and color. Most of its colors are dark tones, so when choosing furniture and other accessories, you should consider the color system.


Black, Blue, Grey, White


Medium, Small


    1 review for Geometric shapes modern wallpaper

    1. admin

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