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What is the difference between regular wallpaper and peel and stick wallpaper
Wallpaper is a great way to add a unique touch to any room. It can be used as a statement piece, or to provide a subtle background to the room’s decor. There are two main types of wallpaper: regular wallpaper and peel and stick wallpaper. Both types have their own advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right one for your space depends on several factors.
Their differences are reflected in the following parts: installation difficulty, service life, and style selection.
Difficulty of installation
Regular wallpaper is the traditional type of wallpaper which has been used for many years. It is sold in rolls and is applied to walls using an adhesive. The adhesive is applied by either brushing or rolling it on the wall. It is important to prepare the walls before hanging regular wallpaper, as it requires a smooth, even surface. Once the wallpaper is hung, it can take a few days for the adhesive to fully dry and for the wallpaper to be completely stuck.
Peel and stick wallpaper is a relatively new type of wallpaper. It has a self-adhesive backing which means it does not require any glue or paste for it to be applied. It is simply peeled from the backing paper and applied directly to the wall. There is no need to prepare the walls or wait for the adhesive to dry, so it can be installed much more quickly than regular wallpaper. Another advantage is that it can be easily removed. It can be peeled off the wall without damaging the wall or leaving any adhesive residue.
In terms of cost, ordinary wallpaper is usually more expensive than peel-and-stick wallpaper, because ordinary wallpaper can use more materials than peel-and-stick wallpaper, and the cost is also high; in addition, the design pattern of ordinary wallpaper is more expensive than peel-and-stick wallpaper. The wallpaper is richer and naturally more expensive. In addition, the construction of ordinary wallpaper is more complicated, requiring more materials and labor to install, and it is also more time-consuming. The peel-and-stick wallpaper can be completed by personal DIY, saving time, materials and labor. The peel-and-stick wallpaper is more affordable and the installation time is shorter.
In terms of durability, regular wallpaper is more resistant to damage than peel and stick wallpaper. This is because regular wallpaper is applied using paste, which makes it more difficult to tear or scratch. Moreover, ordinary wallpapers generally use thicker raw materials, and the durability of wallpapers is stronger than that of peel-and-stick wallpapers. Peel and stick wallpaper, on the other hand, works by having the backing glue bonded to the wall, which is not as strong and may be more prone to damage and peeling.
Style selection
Another difference between regular wallpaper and peel and stick wallpaper is the range of designs available. Regular wallpapers have a long history and are available in a variety of patterns, colors and textures, and as time goes on, will give designers more new options, and it is also possible to buy custom wallpapers that can be printed with a specific design or pattern. Peel-and-stick wallpapers are usually limited to fewer patterns and colors due to their craftsmanship, and cannot be customized.
Overall, regular wallpaper and peel and stick wallpaper both have their own advantages and disadvantages. The type of wallpaper that’s best for your space depends on several factors, such as the ease of installation, the cost, and the range of designs and patterns. If you’re looking for something that’s easy to install and maintain, peel and stick wallpaper may be the best option. However, if you’re looking for something that’s more durable and traditional, regular wallpaper may be the better choice.