What you should do before installing wallpaper

Installing wallpaper can improve the aesthetics of a room and can give it a fresh and refreshing look. As Leashine says: Wallpaper makes the space more wonderful, but what should we do before installing wallpaper?

Tool Preparation

Before the wallpaper construction, the first thing to get the tools ready, so as not to be overwhelmed when the time comes, but also to affect the speed and quality of the installation. The tools we need to prepare are as follows:

Paper cutter, steel spatula, plastic scraper, glue stick, long steel ruler, paper cutting platform, infrared projector, steel tape measure, syringes and needles, soft towel, brush, plastic buckets.

Material Preparation

Before you are ready to install the wallpaper, calculate the amount of wallpaper you need and prepare the required wallpaper according to the quantity. In addition, prepare the required quantity of wallpaper adhesive. Wallpaper adhesive needs to be mixed on site, the wallpaper adhesive and water according to a certain ratio into a plastic bucket for mixing.

Wall preparation

Before installing the wallpaper, you need to check the wall, confirm that the wall meets the requirements before installation, the quality of its wall requirements are as follows:

1, focus on checking the surface flatness of the grass-roots level, drums, cracks, no particles on the surface;

2, check the internal and exposed corners straightness, Are there any corners damaged?

3, whether the door and window side fixed piece is exposed, the gap is properly handled;

4, whether the wall plastering to meet the standards; that is, the deviation value are ≤ 2mm;

5, the grass-roots level should be dry, the water content of concrete and plastered surface should be below 8%, and the pH value of the grass-roots level should not be greater than 4;

6、Apply anti-alkali wallpaper base film to brush the grass-roots level before installing wallpaper, and the wall base film is painted evenly.

The above is the installation preparation for normal wallpaper, it is much simpler for self-adhesive wallpaper, because self-adhesive wallpaper does not need wallpaper glue.

Good preparation is half the battle, and doing this before installing wallpaper will make the installation twice as easy and less error-prone.